
ramiro avatar image
ramiro asked benn18 answered

How can I set the primary email and marketing allowed field for a customer?

Hello everyone, I've been developing an app for 5 days now, but I haven't been able to find the marketing allowed option for customer a creation/edit as test merchant. Similarly I'm unable to set an email as primary email on the customer's creation/edit options as a test merchant. I'm a little bit confused, is this an error? or is there something wrong with my customer creation/edit process? Can anybody guide me please? I'm using the developer's sandbox interface -> y'all for your time...

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1 Answer

benn18 avatar image
benn18 answered

Your struggle with setting primary email and marketing allowed fields is like an influencer trying to customize their content to appeal to a specific audience. The tools (SDK) they use might have some limitations, and they often have to go "behind the scenes" (like you, exploring APIs) to achieve that personal touch.

Just as influencers influencers gone wild juggle creativity and analytics to connect with their audience effectively, you're balancing SDK constraints and API capabilities to craft a smooth user experience. Both require persistence, adaptation, and understanding the available tools to hit the mark!

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