
jmalone30 avatar image
jmalone30 asked jmalone30 commented

What is the valid length of the Order ExternalReferenceId?

I am getting the following error when creating an order with an externalreferenceid with a length greater than 12:

"Invoice ID cannot exceed 12 characters."

First of all, why is it complaining about Invoice ID, and second, why is there a 12 character limit? I am integrating with a 3rd party system where I need to create a relationship between the clover order and the ID of the 3rd party record. Their id is much greater than 12 characters. If externalreferenceid is not going to work, can you suggest another field in which I can store the id?

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jmalone30 avatar image
jmalone30 answered
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Up to 2 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 512.0 KiB each and 1.0 MiB total.

jmalone30 avatar image
jmalone30 answered jmalone30 commented

David, for some reason, I am seeing your reply in my email, but not here in this thread. It says I do not have permission. Anyway, here is your reply:

The limit is 12. We use the term external reference ID and invoice ID interchangeably. This is a value that on payments gets passed and persisted at the gateway level which is why there is a limit. is there a reason why the external ID needs to be persisted on our end? can't you create a clover order and persist it along with your "order" record to create the relationship?

And here is my response to that: No, I cannot persist along with my "order" because I am merely a "middleware" application that facilitates communication between a 3rd party product and Clover. I do not have the ability to write to the 3rd party application. I will have to keep a mapping table in my middleware to connect the 2.

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David Marginian avatar image David Marginian ♦♦ commented ·

It is a nested comment, so you need to show it. I think you will need to persist in your middleware. Are you sure you even need a Clover order? If you just need to make a payment you can just make a charge.

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jmalone30 avatar image jmalone30 David Marginian ♦♦ commented ·

I'm not seeing any nested comments prior to this one. Anyway, yes I need to create an order. My application has nothing to do with actually charging or making payments. I will use a lookup table in my middleware.

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