
nligerakis avatar image
nligerakis asked wsadiq commented

Can the Clover MSRs read a Driver's License

Is there any way to swipe a Driver's License through the MSR on the Mobile, Mini, or Station, and then read the track data via Clover's API?

Clover Mobile
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nligerakis avatar image nligerakis commented ·

There is an AAMVA standard, but different states do arrange data differently. However, we already have logic that analyzes the track data and parses everything appropriately. All we really need is the ability to grab the raw track data off the card via the MSR. From a lower level point of view, the MSR wouldn't know whether the data is Credit Card or Driver's License, or anything else for that matter (like third party ID cards, etc). What we are seeing is that when swiping a Driver's License, the MSR just doesn't output anything. Is this by design?

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