
nligerakis avatar image
nligerakis asked todd answered

How to use ADB with Clover Station dev kit

My team has integrated our app with the Clover Mini and Mobile. We've also received a Clover Station dev kit and would like to confirm compatibility with our app, as I'm fairly certain there will be Clover Station specific changes that we'll need to make.

The problem I'm encountering is that the Clover Station is not showing up on my Mac when I connect it via USB. I'm connecting it from the USB-A port on my Mac to one of the USB-A ports on the attached printer, as this is the only apparent way to connect the device to my Mac. When I do this, and I execute "adb devices", no devices are listed. Likewise, I have enabled developer mode on the Clover Station and made sure USB debugging is enabled.

Is there something I'm missing?

SandboxClover Station
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brokenoval avatar image brokenoval commented ·

Great question - the Clover docs say 2 things ( , firstly that you cannot connect to a Clover Station via USB and must do it over Wifi. Secondly they point us to Android's developer Docs here in order to connect via wifi. However, the Android docs say in point 2 that you first have to conenct your device via usb before you can enable wifi connectivity.

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nligerakis avatar image nligerakis commented ·

Yes, that's the precise problem we've encountered. I'm hoping someone at Clover will be able to give us some clarification.

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1 Answer

todd avatar image
todd answered
I'm in the same boat. I ordered a USB A to A (male to male) cable, tried all four of the USB ports in the Clover Printer, and neither ADB nor the Windows Device Manager detected the device. Did anyone ever determine a list of steps to take to debug a Clover Station?
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