
nmonroehlk avatar image
nmonroehlk asked aliyaban sent

Integration with non-POS system (server-to-server)

We have a request from a client to create an integration with their Clover account that creates new customers based on a simple web form.

From my experience with integrating with Clover and the REST API so far, I am able to make a connection using the OAuth 2.0 flow and get the auth token that is needed.

In the case of authenticating with Clover in the first step of the OAuth 2.0 process, it is always redirected to a web-based login form that may or may not ask for a merchant choice, depending on if they have multiple merchants defined.

I am also able to create an app in Clover that is used to complete the OAuth 2.0 flow.

My question: Does Clover allow connections via the REST API and OAuth 2.0 that do not require a physical device or login dialog? We do not wish to bypass this step, just looking for a server-to-server solution where there is no user interface, but proper credentials and merchant ID could still be provided to complete the authorization.

I have spent a good amount of this week pouring over the Clover documentation, so am familiar with a lot of what is there. I did see similar requests for this behavior in the Clover Community forum, but not much in the way of a clear explanation if and how this is made possible.

Thank you for any information regarding this workflow.

REST APIsemi-integrationsOAuthAuthaccess token
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alyx avatar image alyx commented ·

how have to implemented server to server solution

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David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian Deactivated answered David Marginian Deactivated edited

This sounds like the same question you have been asking, perhaps I am misunderstanding? The first step of the OAuth flow is merchant authorization - This step MUST be performed by the merchant as they must AUTHORIZE your app access to their data. The merchant MUST login to their dashboard and install your web-app from their dashboard to complete this step. In order for this to work 1) You must have a Clover web-app. 2) The app must go through our approval process and get published into the Clover App Market. Is there something that is not clear about this?

Now, as I have previously stated, if your solution is for a single Clover merchant only, then you can have the merchant generate an API token (with the correct permissions) and provide it to you. You don't need a Clover web-app and you can just pass that token with your API calls. The merchant has already "authorized" you by providing you with their access token.

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nmonroehlk avatar image nmonroehlk commented ·

As of right now, the client does have only one merchant defined in their system. I was able to generate an API Token from the merchant to use, however, it is stated in the documentation that this is not allowed in a production environment.

I created a new question because I am seeking a solution that does not need to be published in the App Market. This is a private integration for this merchant only and should not be available to the Clover community, in general. The website that this integration will exist on is owned by the merchant.

If we are able to use the API Token generated at the merchant level in a production environment, then I think this issue is solved.

The way I understand your explanation, then, is that there is no other way to handle the user login (i.e. in code, given the proper credentials from the merchant) than having them use the Clover login form at the time of authentication request.

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David Marginian avatar image David Marginian ♦♦ nmonroehlk commented ·
I created a new question because I am seeking a solution that does not need to be published in the App Market. This is a private integration for this merchant only and should not be available to the Clover community, in general. The website that this integration will exist on is owned by the merchant.

In this case, I think it is acceptable to use a merchant API token. The language you are referring to is meant for app developers that are building apps for use by multiple merchants.

Your other option is what we call a "private" app. Private apps still go through our approval process (which can be very long). Once approved we install the app on the merchant's behalf at your request. The merchant would still need to login to their dashboard and "click" your app to initiate the OAuth flow the first time (then you would obtain the token and store it).

You may want to email and tell them about your integration (it may take awhile to get a response). I generally answer technical questions and I am not an expert on the app approval process.

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nmonroehlk avatar image nmonroehlk David Marginian ♦♦ commented ·

Thank you for all for all of your input. This does help clarify some things.

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jerry4322 avatar image
jerry4322 answered jerry4322 published

Integrating a non-POS system with a POS system can involve a few different steps, depending on the specific requirements of the integration. Generally, the integration process involves setting up an API for the non-POS system to communicate with the POS system, as well as data mapping to ensure that the data from the non-POS system is properly understood by the POS system of Capcut mod apk download. Additionally, the integration may include setting up a middleware layer to process the data from the non-POS system before sending it to the POS system. Depending on the complexity of the integration, additional steps may be necessary, such as configuring authentication and authorization protocols and testing the integration to ensure that it works as expected.

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timrobbin avatar image
timrobbin answered

Great to hear about your progress with integrating Clover and the REST API! The OAuth 2.0 flow seems to be working smoothly, and it's impressive that you can navigate the web-based login form seamlessly. Creating an app in Clover for the OAuth 2.0 flow is a crucial step, and it sounds like you're on the right track. Integrating non-POS systems with server-to-server communication adds another layer of complexity, but it's fantastic that you're taking on this challenge. Keep up the good work, and I'm sure your client will appreciate the seamless customer creation process you're building for them. If you encounter any roadblocks, the community and resources around Clover integration are vast, so don't hesitate to seek assistance. Looking forward to hearing more about the success of this integration!

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herrty avatar image
herrty answered

The higher the level, the more severe the challenges in Level Devil become.

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2048cupcakes avatar image
2048cupcakes answered

Hello everyone, admin. Nice to meet you. Do you want to try sprunki mods ? Play with me, it's great.

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joeplaick avatar image
joeplaick answered joeplaick edited

I’m also encountering this issue right now. I need to integrate with Clover via REST API and OAuth 2.0 for a server-to-server solution without a physical device or login dialog. I’ve dealt with similar authentication challenges when integrating third-party apps like CapCut for automated video editing workflows, so if anyone has insights or a workaround, I’d really appreciate it! For more details on CapCut mod apk and its features, you can check out

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