
jms avatar image
jms asked David Marginian Deactivated commented

Partial Refunds with Tips

Hi, we have a scenario where a customer requires a partial refund on a line item along with a refund on the tips provided over the e-commerce API.

The reason is tied to where we send the "Delivery Charge" as a line item. The customer has cancelled the delivery and arrived at the store to pickup the order due to rider being late, and now wants to refund the delivery charge + tip provided.

A blind attempt to refund a partial sum gives us the following response:

{"message":"400 Bad Request","error":{"type":"invalid_request_error","code":"processing_error","message":"Partial refund for order with multiple line items/tip/convenience fee or tax amount is not supported by this api, Please use /v1/orders/{id}/returns api."}}"

The above means that we need to use the line item return support to refund this kind of order, which we can understand.

Using the /v1/orders/{id}/returns, we can refund the "Delivery Charge" since it is added as a line item, but no way refund the tips. Can you please let us know if this is possible?

e-commerce api
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David Marginian avatar image David Marginian ♦♦ commented ·

No, I don't believe this is currently possible, but I will pass your use case along to the EComm team. Currently, the only workaround I can think of is to have the merchant initiate a manual refund in store for the tip amount.

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