
ycb avatar image
ycb asked rachel Deactivated commented

Register app broadcast intent twice for same LineItem


when I add an item to register app I receive intent two time

at first with orderId,lineItem and itemId not null(all of them) the second intent with same orderId but lineItemId different and null itemId. like this :

orderId: 7N710ST1YYKM2 lineItemId: XN1RB6K1XC9M2 itemId: GNJ18T6Z5R0ZM

orderId: 7N710ST1YYKM2 lineItemId: 4CNED11SASGN0 itemId: null

as you can see lineItemId change

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rachel avatar image rachel commented ·

Hi @yc,

To help me reproduce the problem locally, can you please link me to a pastebin of a Minimal, Complete, and Verifiable example. Thank you.

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ycb avatar image ycb commented ·

Thank you @rachel, this code contains receiver that starts a service(NewService.class) if an item added to order in register app

try to add more than one item to order.

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rachel avatar image rachel commented ·

Let's continue this via Private Message and report back with our findings.

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1 Answer

rachel avatar image
rachel Deactivated answered

Per @yc, problem is resolved.

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