
dsleep22 avatar image
dsleep22 asked David Marginian answered

What to do about Chip reader damaging cards?

For the second time in a month, our Clover mini chip card reader started scratching/damaging cards that are inserted. We have replaced 2 machines at over $900 for the 2 as well as hours with tech support making us unplug the machine, etc...even though we know it is a mechanical issue. We love Clover but we need reliable equipment. Any advice on preventing this damage?

Clover Mini
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1 Answer

David Marginian avatar image
David Marginian answered

You did the correct thing in contacting support. They are the correct entity to help you. This forum is for 3rd party developers to ask questions about building apps on Clover's platform and is monitored by developers, and we aren't equipped to handle merchant support issues.

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