
jbrown avatar image
jbrown asked rowland commented

Exempt tax from a taxable category in the same sale

I need to non-tax an item in a sale temporarily that already has tax associated with it. Is there a simple button to exempt tax from the category?

For example, we are entering items in our register in the same category but one has to be taxed and the other does not.

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rowland avatar image rowland commented ·

For this transaction, you may choose to have the tax rate set to zero or to have it exempted if your system permits papa's pizzeria. Be careful to save your changes before finalizing the purchase.

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1 Answer

jbrown avatar image
jbrown answered David Marginian Deactivated commented

Hi David,

Well actually we need to temporarily omit tax from an an from within a sale and still have the same item as taxable in the system. I don't want to duplicate that item and have one as taxable and one as not. The register would be clogged up with too many items in the system.

We could do this on our older register that was not as advanced as this.

We figured since our old register had that function then this more advanced one would have the same function. Should I post this in another forum that would be monitored by people that would know more about that?


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