I would like to attach information to the order note. Since this is available no matter what apps are used, is there an etiquette to follow? Is there a way to know if the note is configured to print or not?
I would like to attach information to the order note. Since this is available no matter what apps are used, is there an etiquette to follow? Is there a way to know if the note is configured to print or not?
Order notes are not a general purpose meta data storage facility. It's not recommended that apps use the order note to attach arbitrary information to an order, for the obvious reason that you noted that it's going to show in contexts you might not imagine, and also if two apps decided to use it and not coordinate, things would be broken.
If you need to associate meta data with an order, you should use your own service to keep a mapping from order ID to your meta data.
That being said, we don't have an official policy at this point and we have >1 apps that are using order notes as such.
As for the second part of your question... we don't like to expose what we call "receipt properties" to developers as they are merchant settings that should not be visible or modifiable by other apps. However, you could fetch merchant properties (/v3/merchant/.../properties
) and look for the "receipt properties" value. The boolean for printing notes on the order is in there. NOTE that the format of this JSON object is not public and is therefore subject to change.
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