I am trying to create an order using the REST API and am posting this:
{ "customers":[{ "id":"abcd...." }] }
I receive a 200 OK with body:
{ "href": "...", "id": "...", "currency": "USD", "taxRemoved": false, "isVat": false, "manualTransaction": false, "groupLineItems": true, "testMode": false, "createdTime": 1474831712000, "clientCreatedTime": 1474831712000, "modifiedTime": 1474831711000 }
Unfortunately, when I try to query the order API using modifiedTime, the order is not retrieved. Any idea why this happens?
Also, when I GET the specific order, it is retrieved with 200 OK, but the customer is not attached. Is there something more I should add to the customer list when POSTing?
Thank you, George