
bennettp avatar image
bennettp asked Jeffrey Blattman commented

Refund Calculation Error


I would like to report a bug in the refund process.

Refunds are not calculating correctly.

Steps to reproduce:
Tax rate is 8.28%
Go into Register
Add two items for $1.50. Subtotal: $3.00. Tax: $0.25, $total: 3.25.
Pay for order and complete (cash is fine)
Go into Orders
Select the $3.25 order.
Select Exchange/Refund Items
Select the check box for each line item, which should be two items for $1.50.
Notice that the calculated total is $3.24, which is less then the actual total of the transaction ($3.25)

Orders: 1.0-1091
Register: 1-0.1272
Clover Build: 1.28 1.33
Environment: Sandbox
Hardware: Clover Mini, v 1.0

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Jeffrey Blattman avatar image Jeffrey Blattman ♦♦ commented ·

Thanks, I filed an internal issue to get this resolved.

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