
pateljaynish avatar image
pateljaynish asked benjaminjohnson answered

Looking for a 14-inch Clover Station Display screen Simulator/Emulator


We are looking for a Simulator/Emulator for a 14-inch Clover station display screen which we could not find it available anywhere.

We are building an app but not sure how we can test the app features look and feel and its functionality with the simulator for 14-inch. We looked around but could not find it.

We found the 11-inch screen emulator but no 14-inch Simulator/Emulator is available.

Can someone please advise on this?

Thank you in advance for your time and consideration.



Clover Station
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Jacob Abrams avatar image
Jacob Abrams answered

The number of inches isn't really a meaningful thing for emulator/simulator. What matters for Android simulation is the pixel-density and the resolution (width and height in pixels).

We provide some help setting up the emulator here:

Note there are two mistakes on that page (I will try to get them corrected)

Clover Station pixel-density should be: mdpi (not ldpi)

Clover Station 2018 pixel-density should be: tvdpi (not mdpi)

Note that the xdpi and ydpi values are incorrect on some of the real devices and are not used in Android resource selection anyway.

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pateljaynish avatar image
pateljaynish answered

Thank you @Jacob Abrams for the information. We will review this and share the feedback.

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benjaminjohnson avatar image
benjaminjohnson answered benjaminjohnson edited

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