
cloveruser808 avatar image
cloveruser808 asked cloveruser808 commented

Is there a scenario where a paymentID has more than orderID attached to it?

When getting a single payment, there is an object for [order]. In that object, there is an array of Order IDs. I'd like to know if there is ever a scenario where there is more than one order ID for a single paymentID.


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David Marginian avatar image David Marginian ♦♦ commented ·

Are you using the /v3/merchants/mid/payments/pid endpoint? That returns an order with a single id:

"order": {
  "id": "orderId"

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cloveruser808 avatar image cloveruser808 David Marginian ♦♦ commented ·

Yes, that is what I'm using.

Scratch that! I actually think I understand your pattern better just now. I thought that because the way the order object inside the payment was being shown, that it could be conceivable to have more than one orderID attached to a payment.

But I now realize that you use the [elements] tag to indicate that an array of multiple things can belong to the object in question.

If you had any scenario which more than one orderID could be attached to a payment, I would have seen an elements array. So you helped me visualize my answer. Thank you

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