
frankiboy avatar image
frankiboy asked

Refund of Secure Payment transaction


I am trying to handle the refund on an app i am developping for the Flex device.

If i process a payment through the Sale app with my custom tender, than refund the payment in the Transactions app, my application receive the call correctly and i process the refund of my gift card in my system without any problem.

But, if i use the Secure Payment app to purchase a gift card inside my application, when i try to void that transaction in the Transactions app, i do not receive anything in my application to let me know that i must also void that transaction in my system.

I tried the following line in my manifest, but it is not doing anything:

<action android:name="clover.intent.action.REFUND_PROCESSED" />

I hope i am clear enough,

Thank you

Refundsecure network pay display
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