
ismdcf avatar image
ismdcf asked Frank Faustino Deactivated answered

Payment Token Not Returned for a Non-Billable Production Business

When a card transaction is made using the IPaymentConnector of Clover Payment SDK, and we are retrieving the card token value from the payment response.

  "id": ""****"",
  "result": "SUCCESS",
  "order": {
    "id": "****"
  "cardTransaction": {
    "token": "XXXXXXXXX",
    "vaultedCard": {
      "token": "XXXXXXXXX"
  "tender": {

We are able to successfully retrieve the cardTransaction token value in our Sandbox business. However, when testing in a production non-billable business this token is not returning any value.

In the following question we noticed that the token to be retrieved the supportsMultiPayToken needs to be true.

However when we checked the gateway response of this non-billable business and supportsMultiPayToken is true, but the production is set to false.

  "paymentGatewayApi": "BLACKHOLE",
  "accountName": "*********",
  "mid": "111111111111",
  "supportsTipping": true,
  "frontendMid": "111111111111",
  "backendMid": "111111111111",
  "debitKeyCode": "***",
  "supportsTipAdjust": true,
  "supportsNakedCredit": true,
  "supportsMultiPayToken": true,
  "newBatchCloseEnabled": true,
  "production": false

Will you be able to let us know why we might not be getting the token value for this non-billable business?

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1 Answer

Frank Faustino avatar image
Frank Faustino Deactivated answered

The merchant has to be configured with a payment gateway (i.e., not "Blackhole") that supports tokenization.

10 |2000

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