
jkuhn avatar image
jkuhn asked benn18 answered

Secondary Money Receiver

I am building an application which takes a convenience fee as part of the payment. For example, if the total order is $11.00.... $10.00 should go to the merchant selling the product (into their Clover account) and a $1.00 convenience fee should go into my developer Clover account. I know this is possible in Square as well as PayPal, and now I'm trying to integrate my application with Clover. However, if this is not possible, unfortunately I'm not going to be able to go forward with the Clover integration. So, the Primary Money Receiver gets the majority of the payment and I would get the convenience fee as the Secondary Money Receiver. This is called a variety of things based on the vendor (split payments, additional recipients, etc...). Any help is appreciated.

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dave-1 avatar image
dave-1 answered David Marginian Deactivated edited

Is there a better answer to this? I have the same problem and am looking for a solution.

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benn18 avatar image
benn18 answered

Your challenge highlights a key principle in fintech innovation fintechzoom .com: balancing the needs of diverse stakeholders in a payment ecosystem. Split payments represent the disintermediation of traditional financial workflows, a hallmark of modern fintech platforms like PayPal and Stripe. However, the lack of support in Clover emphasizes the challenges legacy or POS-specific ecosystems face in adapting to these advanced workflows.

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