
chaunghian avatar image
chaunghian asked etherealestelle answered

Best way to set up Combo Item Menu?

Hi All,

I am in a process of setting up menu.

My question is what the best way to set up a Combo Item so it's easiest for server to take order

For example I have:

Chicken Burger (burger only)

Chicken Burger + Fries + Drink (Combo $ price is cheaper than purchasing individual item)

Chicken Burger + Tater Tots + Drink (Combo $ price is cheaper than purchasing individual item, but higher than Fries combo)

Do I use modifier or variant for this menu level?

TIA for all the helps.

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Jacob Abrams avatar image
Jacob Abrams answered chaunghian commented

I wouldn't use variants since that is typically for items that are all pretty much the same, for example t-shirts that come in different sizes and colors.

Modifiers might be your best bet. You can have the chicken burger be the item and then add-ons like fries + drink be a modifier and tater tots + drink be another modifier within a modifier group that is associated with chicken burger and possibly other sandwiches.

Another choice is to make each complete combo into an item and then put them into categories if there are very many of them. So you could have chicken burger category and beef burger category for example, then inside you can have all the combos as individual items.

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chaunghian avatar image chaunghian commented ·

Thanks Jacob.

I tried variant option and all it did was create multiple items on the main menu. Instead of one main item (click on it) then it display variant options in there.

Your 2nd suggestion is great. Will try that.

Thank You,

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etherealestelle avatar image
etherealestelle answered

Setting up a Combo Item Menu is a game-changer for streamlining your offerings and boosting sales. Start by grouping complementary items together and consider adding options for custom combos to suit various preferences. For all your dental needs, check out the best dentist in Peshawar—your one-stop solution for top-notch care and personalized treatment! Dentistpeshawar

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