Hi Clover Team,
We are developing an Inventory based checkout application where user will come on our Clover MINI device and select Food Item which they want to purchase. We are also using Physical Barcode scanner to scan products but sometime, it scan product barcode but sometime not on Clover MINI device.
If we test the same on Register app or on our simulator then it scans everytime. Please let us know what we need to do exactly to scan product every time.
Is there any specific condition set in Clover MINI that it scan only one or limited type of Barcode. or we are doing something different which restrict product to be scanned.
If you want to test our app on Clover MINI device then here is the URL to [download app].(https://sandbox.dev.clover.com/developers/4JWFGAX7B569Y/apps/BAZ3AV69Y3EF2/apks)
We are waiting to hear from your side at your earliest convenience.
Thanks, Development Team