
simon avatar image
simon asked trueox edited

Communication with the Mini after ICloverConnector.Sale

We have found that every so offten calling ICloverConnector.Sale() fails to returns a result from the Clover Mini when the sale is complete.

We are using the .NET 4.0.2 API, connecting to the Clover Mini via USB to the USB pay display app and have seen this on both Windows 7 & 10

Usally when a sale is started we get sevral messages from the OnDeviceActivityStart()/ OnDeviceActivityEnd() callbacks, followed by one from OnSaleResponse(). But sometimes we get nothing.

We can see in our logs that it was working up to this point without issue, with a sale going through 20-30 mins prior. The Clover connector thinks it is still connected and the sale goes thoguh the Clover OK, its just the messages have stopped.

The only time we call RemoveCloverConnectorListener() is just before disposing of the CloverConnector, and AddCloverConnectorListener() just after construction of the CloverConnector.

Has anyone else experianced this? and if so who did you solve it?

Clover Minisemi-integrationsUSB Pay Display
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simon avatar image simon commented ·

No we don't get any messages from the Clover the OnDeviceActivityStart/ OnDeviceActivityEnd calls also stop. We create the CloverConnector if IsReady returns false or if we haven't created a connector yet.

In our logs we can see the connector getting created, then several successful sales throughout the day before a failed one.

Where are the logs on the device? We have tried checking Event Viewer but the logs only appear to last for an hour or two, so we have yet to catch them in time.

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simon avatar image
simon answered David Marginian Deactivated commented
We have now moved to a single CloverConnector and put it onto a couple of sites this morning. One has already reported that it has happened again, this time he called us whilst it was still happing.

We also added a button the user could press that called RetrieveDeviceStatus with sendLastMessage set to true, in the hope this may kick it back into gear (it did not)

When it happened our software was till responsive and could make call to the clover connector, but no messages were returned ( IsReady was true on the clover connector)

I can see a payment was taken at 12:07:58 successfully, but the next payment at 14:53:43 did not get a response.

We managed to capture the event view logs for the clover and can see that after a normal payment has started there are lines that read

Exiting sendMessageSync()
Got Message:{"id":"982","method":"ACK", …
Got Message:{"id":"983","method":"TX_START_RESPONSE",…
Got Message:{"id":"984","method":"UI_STATE", …

But when this happens the Event viewer logs say nothing after Exiting sendMessageSync() for minute then it gets a new request from us RETRIEVE_DEVICE_STATUS_REQUEST

Any ideas what else could be causing this?

Update: I have noticed that between the first payment and second, there is a event log

14:13:10 - receiveMessagesThread Exception: Read failed, 0 bytes returned
14:13:10 - 4 : Terminating receiveMessagesThread
I am not sure if this is relevant or not, but it not in any other event logs we have see.

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simon avatar image simon commented ·

I will ask the support team to look into the USB ports and get back to you, I am not sure USB 3 is avilable on all the POS system we have out in the wild. If Secure Network Pay Display is a drop in replacement for the USB pay display, we'll look into adding an option for that.

We have been able to track this problem down to USBCloverTransport.cs, and have logged a bug report on GitHub Here with steps to replicate it.

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trueox avatar image
trueox answered trueox edited

I plugged my Clover mini (2nd Gen) into a USB 3.0 port and it does seem to be more stable.

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