
Neil avatar image
Neil asked pixelik19 answered

Custom reports

I need a report that shows cash and check transactions only over a period of time based on two different categories that were setup in the inventory app. In other words we take checks and cash to the bank. We need to know out of this amount, what amount came from category A and what amount came from category B.
Custom Modifiers
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Jeffrey Blattman avatar image
Jeffrey Blattman answered
Our reporting apps show break downs by tender in the Payments report. So as long as you are using a "cash" and "check" tender, it's already there.

You can also associate items with categories from the Inventory app. If you do that you can see the result in the Items report.

Sounds like you might be a merchant. This is technically a developer forum for folks writing applications that run on Clover devices. You might get better information if you work with Clover customer support in that case.
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joegagne avatar image
joegagne answered joegagne edited

Writing custom reports can be quite a challenge. That's why I think it's important to have some backup support, like a professional thesis writing service They can really come in handy when you're stuck or overwhelmed with your reports. I've tried a few of these services, and they've helped me out big time. So if you ever find yourself in a bind with custom reports, consider giving one of these services a try.

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wealthroad avatar image
wealthroad answered wealthroad edited

With its unique difficulty and creativity, geometry dash has attracted millions of players worldwide, especially those who love skill-challenging games.

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pixelik19 avatar image
pixelik19 answered

This is no ordinary waffle. waffle game is a highly entertaining game for all players who love word guessing games. You can play with any time. The game is unlimited so you can play multiple times a day without worry.

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