
masfugo avatar image
masfugo asked Jeffrey Blattman commented

Tax breakdown on payment receipt, is it achievable?

I have explored all the documents and examples regarding order and payment receipts to find out how to append extra information to receipt, in this case tax breakdown. Say in case there are two tax applied to a receipt it only shown the total. I need to show the breakdown of those taxes onto the receipt and formatted it like the usual line item.

So far I can only find how to add extra info to receipt via ReceiptRegistrationConnector, but it can only add centered text onto the receipt. So is it actually possible to insert the tax breakdown and format it like how I want it to be? please help me . thank youuu
OrdersClover Android SDK
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Jeffrey Blattman avatar image Jeffrey Blattman ♦♦ commented ·

ReceiptRegistrationConnector can also append bitmaps to the receipt. You are free to formulate whatever information you want into the bitmap.

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