
tickettenterprises avatar image
tickettenterprises asked Jeffrey Blattman answered

Split Payment/ Discount Voucher Scenario

We have had a client contact us in regards to a particular Scenario and I wanted to get an idea if this effects any users on here, what they've done to get around it etc...

"The client uses a voucher system and they are not wanting the voucher to show up as a discount, but as a form of a payment. You can simply add a payment key and train on split ticket, but was working if any of the apps allow for voucher redemption as a payment form instead of using 'Split Ticket/Payment'"
10 |2000

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1 Answer

Jeffrey Blattman avatar image
Jeffrey Blattman answered
Clover doesn't have a concept of vouchers so I assume this is something provided by a third party.

It depends on how the voucher is implemented. The third party can implement vouchers as discounts, but they can also implement them as a tender (payment type).
10 |2000

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