
Robin Walmsley avatar image
Robin Walmsley asked Jeffrey Blattman answered

How do we force a "Clear Cache" on a Station via the app ?

Our app is a webapp not an Android App. When we update the code, it is often necessary for the user to clear cache manually on the app, to force a refresh from the server. If there has been a database table change, it's often very necessary that this happens otherwise the app crashes.
Is there a way for us to force this refresh from the server using code?
I don't mind if this needs to happen in the Android app that envelops our webapp, or in the html/javascript of the webapp.
Any suggestions?
Clover Station
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1 Answer

Jeffrey Blattman avatar image
Jeffrey Blattman answered
This is just general programming advice... but periodically wiping your DB should be a last resort. Focus on root causing the crash. It's not a positive experience for merchants to see your app crashing sporadically and that's something we'd ask you to fix if it occurred.

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