
ysign avatar image
ysign asked ysign commented

What is the system behavior in case of the pre-auth amount is lower than total?

I found info about case, when pre-auth amount is greater than order's total, but any info about opposite case. Let me know pls - what behavior in this case: increasing of pre-auth amount or split?
Example: I have pre-auth on $25, but order's total $35. Can I increase pre-auth amount for already saved order? Or only split can be usable in this case?
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ysign avatar image ysign commented ·

Thanks @sanjay
And what about the next situations, which is described below:

"Typical businesses where Pre-Auth transactions occur include:

  • Hotels, where a hold is placed on a customer credit card during check-in and may be adjusted at checkout incidental damages and in-room charges
  • Car rental agencies, where a hold is placed on a customer credit card at vehicle hand-off and may be adjusted for incidental damages, late return of the vehicle, or failing to refuel"

Do they in such situations can adjust no more than on 20% as well?

And what if the necessary amount will be absent?

Or funds are not cover tip amount?

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1 Answer

Sukhbir Singh avatar image
Sukhbir Singh answered ysign commented
Hi @YSign

When merchants capture a Pre-Auth amount that is greater than the original amount, funds are not guaranteed due to possible insufficient funds in the customer account. In addition, if merchants capture Pre-Auth amounts more than 20% of the original amount, funds are not guaranteed subject to the rules set by card schemes (such as Visa and MasterCard) and electronic payment associations.

You can get more in details via the following link:

Thank you.
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10 |2000

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ysign avatar image ysign commented ·
And what about the next situations, which is described below:

"Typical businesses where Pre-Auth transactions occur include:
  • Hotels, where a hold is placed on a customer credit card during check-in and may be adjusted at checkout incidental damages and in-room charges
  • Car rental agencies, where a hold is placed on a customer credit card at vehicle hand-off and may be adjusted for incidental damages, late return of the vehicle, or failing to refuel"
In such situations they can adjust no more than on 20% as well?And what if the necessary amount will be absent?
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