
getvivekv avatar image
getvivekv asked csiworks commented

Payout during sale

Why Clover doesn't support paying out a customer during an order transaction? A lot of convenience store or gas station offers Lottery payout to their customers and there is no way in clover to register this sale and cash back.

Is there any workaround?
10 |2000

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zgreathouse avatar image zgreathouse commented ·

Could you describe the flow you are hoping for a lottery cash payout?

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getvivekv avatar image getvivekv zgreathouse commented ·

Two scenarios,

  1. The customer wants to cash out his lottery tickets first and then use some (or full) of that money to pay for some groceries that he is going to buy.
  2. The customer wants to cash out his winning tickets and get paid in full and leave. There is no purchase activity involved

We used to have old cash registers (Ruby, normal POS etc). There was a button "Lottery", hitting that button would apply the selected amount to that sale and at the end of the day, the report would show "lottery - $.xx"

Similarly, on the Payment page, there should be a button for Lottery Payout which should work the same way. The payout button should work in case there is no product in the cart (Case #2), but with the clover design, we can't goto to payout page if there is nothing added in the cart.

There is an app that almost meets these criteria - However the app is full of bugs and doesn't work correctly. We can't train our staff with a buggy product.

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csiworks avatar image csiworks commented ·

There are two apps by CSI Works that are available on Clover.

1. Negative Tender App (Integrated with payments)

2. Redeem Lottery App

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1 Answer

zgreathouse avatar image
zgreathouse Deactivated answered getvivekv commented
This is correct. Clover does not have a native app to specifically do cash payouts for Lottery winnings. This sounds like a great app idea to be submitted to the Clover App market.
10 |2000

Up to 2 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 512.0 KiB each and 1.0 MiB total.

getvivekv avatar image getvivekv commented ·
I submitted it already, few weeks ago. Not sure what should I expect next.
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zgreathouse avatar image zgreathouse getvivekv commented ·

Got it. Well if you have any questions about your submittal, email for assistance.

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getvivekv avatar image getvivekv zgreathouse commented ·

Thanks but they don't check this email address. I've emailed a question 20 days back to this address and no one has responded. I can understand if it is 1-3 days, but 20 days! The support doesn't exists.

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