
tg avatar image
tg asked James Tickett answered

Filtering out unpaid Line Items

Is there a way to filter the line items web endpoint on whether or not the accompanying order was paid?


Refunded and exchanged are easily filterable, so it seems like there is likely an easy way to simply see the paid vs unpaid line items that I am unable to find


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1 Answer

James Tickett avatar image
James Tickett answered

I don't want to say for sure that it's impossible, and I would wait for a Clover response to rule it out, but I tried doing this query:


and the response I got was:

"message": "Cannot filter on field payType.  Supported fields: binName,createdTime,deletedTime,,,exchanged,id,isRevenue,,itemCode,,name,order.clientCreatedTime,,order.modifiedTime,orderClientCreatedTime,price,printed,refunded,,"

So it looks as if that sort of filtering isn't possible through the API, although if you are able to filter them yourself then at least using "order.payment" as the expand will return the relevant field.

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