
Ashutosh Bajpay avatar image
Ashutosh Bajpay Suspended asked zgreathouse Deactivated edited

Cannot make refund from transaction app for custom tender if payment created through clover API.

I am using a custom tender for third party payment API and after payment I am creating payment record on clover using clover create payment API.

Now payment record is visible in transaction and I can see the payment details by clicking on that but as soon as I click Refund, transaction app crashes every time.

Currently I am on sandbox environment.

Please suggest why it could be crashing and how could I fix this.
Clover FlexRefund
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1 Answer

zgreathouse avatar image
zgreathouse Deactivated answered zgreathouse Deactivated edited
I have been able to reproduce your issue. Thank you very much for pointing this out. This issue is due to the taxAmount on the payment record being null. We are aware it is not a required field on the endpoint for creating a payment record. I have opened a ticket for this issue. In the meantime, a work around would be: when you are creating the payment record, pass in a taxAmount (If there is no taxAmount on your payment, simply pass in a value of 0).
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