
Yossi avatar image
Yossi asked Yossi answered

Changing MID for a device

Hi all,

We are an approved developer by Clover. We are providing retail space to different vendors and part of our service is also onboarding them on a clover flex to accept payments.

We would like to use a single clover flex device for multiple merchants (mids). can we associate a new mid to a device? assuming that the new mid is also a clover merchant.

Please help!
10 |2000

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Jeffrey Blattman avatar image
Jeffrey Blattman answered Dan Suspended commented
Sounds like you want to have a set of Clover devices that you provide to merchants on a temporary basis as they lease your spaces?

That's not currently something we can support. Clover devices are locked to a particular merchant. In some ways you asking if you can be a reseller, or leaser of Clover devices. Clover is pretty strict about these things... ensuring that if you get a Clover devices that it actually came from a reputable source. We do have resellers but for security reasons there's a rigorous process of wiping / resetting a device that cannot be performed by end users.

There are places Clover devices can be obtained via lease with no money down. Considering that, just pointing your new merchants to that process could achieve the same end. And the merchant gets to take the device with them if they leave your space (or drop the lease and return the device if they are done with it).

This is a developer forum, and I'm just a lowly developer and can't really provide details about sales channels for Clover devices. Please contact if you need more information.
10 |2000

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Yossi avatar image
Yossi answered
Thank you for the help!
10 |2000

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