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DB Storage on Clover Device

Can the clover device be used to store data from an application (using SQLite)?

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Jacob Abrams avatar image
Jacob Abrams answered Jacob Abrams commented

Clover devices run Android and are capable of doing all the same things. SQLite and application storage are available yes. Clover Station, Mobile and Mini all have about 5GB in the data partition. However this space is shared by all applications for data and APK storage so keep your usage reasonable please.

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u1 avatar image u1 commented ·

Is there a size limitation? Im assuming this will be different based on the type of clover device. I haven't been able to find this information on the device specification pages.

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Kavin Kannan avatar image Kavin Kannan commented ·


Is it possible to provide guidelines on recommendations and management of SQLite on Clover Devices. Eg: Recommended DB Size, Recommended Rows per table, Recommended Columns per table specific to device type.

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Jacob Abrams avatar image Jacob Abrams ♦♦ Kavin Kannan commented ·

Clover devices are basically just like any consumer tablet or phone, you can assume similar performance characteristics to devices released in similar years. For example Clover Station was released in 2013 so assume similar performance to phones released that year. SQLite performance is highly dependent on usage so recommended you test on a real Clover device or get something similar if you are planning on doing anything out of the ordinary. Optimizing SQLite performance is subject that may require you do additional research outside this forum.

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saad-bin-iqbal avatar image
saad-bin-iqbal answered Jeffrey Blattman commented

If Clover device like Mini or Flex provide Internal storage ?
I need to store a .txt file with log details and will fetch it later.
If we can store the File then what is the path we need to set to store/fetch the file?
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saad-bin-iqbal avatar image saad-bin-iqbal commented ·
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saad-bin-iqbal avatar image saad-bin-iqbal commented ·

Thanks @Jacob Abrams.

Please confirm if Clover device provide File Manager folder to get stored .txt file manually, or is there any other folder that is visible on Clover device to get that file?

Actually I went through the Clover device but I could not find that folder to get the file.

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saad-bin-iqbal avatar image saad-bin-iqbal commented ·

Hi @Jacob Abrams,

Could you please suggest how we could find the stored .txt file on Clover Flex device manually ?

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Jeffrey Blattman avatar image Jeffrey Blattman ♦♦ saad-bin-iqbal commented ·

We do not know what you mean by "find the file". Typically you'd save a file, and you'd know the path where you saved the file. The link provided by Jacob above describes among other things where and how to store data files on Android devices. This applies to all Clover devices as well.

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saad-bin-iqbal avatar image saad-bin-iqbal commented ·

Our application runs on Clover devices at client side. We need to store a .txt file on Clover device to log the communication details between device and server. As we can see Clover has internal storage so definitely we would be able to store the file.

We could not find “File Manager” app on Clover device, so please could you suggest us how we can get that stored .txt file manually from the Clover devices.

For your information, Android devices provide “File Manager” app to store/fetch all the data on the device. In Android devices we can fetch file manually and programmatically.

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Jeffrey Blattman avatar image Jeffrey Blattman ♦♦ saad-bin-iqbal commented ·

I assume you mean for development purposes, not production. As you noted we do not have a file manager on the device. You could install one (on your development device). Otherwise you need to upload the file somewhere.

I'd suggest you just log to logcat. It's always there and you can get access to it anytime. If it's just for development you can write large amounts of data and not worry about crushing the device. Please do not leave massive logcat logging in for production builds though.

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adward011 avatar image
adward011 answered

Clover devices, essential for retail operations, rely on robust DB storage for critical data like transaction history, customer information, inventory, and employee records. Telebox, as a telecom solution provider, enhances Clover device performance through secure cloud-based data backup and recovery, reliable network connectivity, and remote device management. This ensures data integrity, minimizes downtime, and optimizes business operations.

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marklueoo222 avatar image
marklueoo222 answered

Terabox MOD APK is a game-changer for those needing secure and unlimited cloud storage. Its features like auto-backup, high-speed uploads, and an AI-driven user-friendly interface make managing data effortless. Say goodbye to storage issues and protect your memories with this reliable app that prioritizes privacy and accessibility! Download here

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GodMode9 avatar image
GodMode9 answered

I have been using DB storage on my Clover device for a while now, and it has been a solid solution for managing transaction data. Setting it up was pretty straightforward, especially with Clover's user-friendly interface. The ability to store and access data locally ensures faster retrieval times during transactions, which is crucial for a smooth customer experience. Ihave also found that it is easy to back up and restore the data when needed, giving me peace of mind. Overall, the DB storage on Clover has significantly improved the efficiency of our operations!

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