we do online food ordering software and using stripe.com. Can we still integrate our solution to clover?
we do online food ordering software and using stripe.com. Can we still integrate our solution to clover?
Are you referring to: https://stripe.com?
Could you describe a little more about how this would work? You would process the credit card on a mobile device (or whatever), then send the order to a Clover device to be processed by a merchant?
Yes, that's possible. You'd need to use the Clover REST APIs to create the order and pay for it (https://www.clover.com/api_docs) using a custom tender (https://docs.clover.com/build/android...). You'd probably want to write a Clover Android app to receive the order and notify the merchant. There're obviously quite a few details here, but start with the links I provided.
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