I'm building a custom tender, and I'm trying to add refund support. How do I let Clover know that the refund has finished?
Here's what's happens
- Launch Orders app.
- Select Order > Exchange/Refund > Select all items > Refund
- Orders opens my activity.
- My app refunds the customer's money.
- My activity finishes with RESULT_OK with some extras (see below).
- I see the order state is not modified in the Orders app. I expect to see the order and line items marked as refunded.
Here's how I my refund activity finishes.
import com.clover.sdk.v1.Intents; ... Intent data = new Intent(); data.putExtra(Intents.EXTRA_ORDER_ID, getIntent().getStringExtra(Intents.EXTRA_ORDER_ID)); data.putExtra(Intents.EXTRA_AMOUNT, cloverAmount); data.putExtra(Intents.EXTRA_CLIENT_ID, MY_CLOVER_CLIENT_ID); finishActivityWithResult(RESULT_OK, data);
Do you know what I need to do to tell the Orders app about the refund?