
Lee Tickett avatar image
Lee Tickett asked Lee Tickett commented

What is your "cashing up" process?

We build custom apps and integrations for our clients and have someone looking to understand how they can "cash up" at the end of the day/shift.
Essentially they want to compare the amount of cash in the till to the amount of cash that is supposed to be in the till.
Ideally they will then be able to enter the amount or difference and then be able to report on it. I guess you should be able to see by till, by employee, by day/week/month etc.
Is there already a process/app for this? Or should we build something ourselves?
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billy-watkins avatar image billy-watkins commented ·
I had a look through the manual and it seems like to process would be to use 'Reporting' for the device and time period and get a cash report, then use 'Register' to open the cash drawer and make any needed adjustments. would this be the standard process that is shown to merchants?
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chanel avatar image
chanel Deactivated answered
Please take a look at our online manual to view what a merchant is capable of doing out of the box on a Clover device.
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billy-watkins avatar image
billy-watkins answered Lee Tickett commented
looking at the api for how this process could be replicated I can't find mention of an api call to adjust the cash drawer. can you provide some guidance?
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chanel avatar image chanel commented ·

Any adjustments to the cash drawer must be done by the merchant on the device. There is no way to automate this process.

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Lee Tickett avatar image Lee Tickett chanel commented ·

Thank you for confirming Chanel

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