
mseth avatar image
mseth asked keithryanwong Deactivated commented

Lock the device to our app, and make it the default for certain employee logins

We have a payment solution for the restaurants. The app let's the employees apply payments to the POS at the restaurant. We need a way to lock down the Clover Flex while our app is in use, so the users can't switch apps. So for example an employee/waiter logs in to Clover with their passcode 1234, and accesses our app then they shouldn't not be able to exit out of it until the device times out and Android locks itself. Then they can log back in to access the other options/apps.

Also can we make this the default app for certain employees? I.e. let's say we have 5 employees setup to use our app. As soon as they login to the device, they should be taken to our application, instead of having to open it from the list of apps on the device. And we can have a 6th admin that can do everything else then.

Thank you!
PaymentsClover FlexEmployees
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keithryanwong avatar image keithryanwong commented ·

Hi @mseth,

In order to better assist you, can you clarify what technologies/SDK you are using to build your applications? Can you also explain the customer/merchant flow of your application and POS?

Furthermore, can you confirm that your aim is to have your application launch and take up the screen until the device locks and is logged into again?


Keith Wong

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mseth avatar image mseth keithryanwong commented ·

Using Android Studio (Java), with API Level 22. Clover SDK version is 168.

As for the flow, the server/waiter pulls table information from the POS (not on the Clover device), and then proceeds with the payment. After the payment is processed, we send the payment information back to the POS.

And yes you got that right, that is exactly what we are aiming for. I.e. basically all employees get to our application only by default.

The admins (managers) should be able to get to the home screen upon logging in.

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keithryanwong avatar image keithryanwong mseth commented ·

To have your application launch on unlock you can set up a BroadcastReceiver to detect when a user is present. Example here. In combination with the Customer Mode, this should achieve the desired affect.

From there, you can also use the EmployeeConnector interface to check which employee has logged in and decide what to do with that information. If it's an admin, you could either close the application, turn off Customer Mode, or both.

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1 Answer

Jeffrey Blattman avatar image
Jeffrey Blattman answered
You can take a look at the Employees app, under the Permissions tab. All Clover apps have a permission "Access ..." that defines the roles that are able to use the app. If the employee cannot access the app it will be hidden from the launcher for them. Clover does not have the concept of a "default app" for an employee.

There's something called Customer Mode that apps can use, accessible from the Clover Android SDK. This will remove the status and nav bar and make your app full screen. The caveat is that it does not prevent some other app or dialog from popping over your app if it's coded to do so.
10 |2000

Up to 2 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 512.0 KiB each and 1.0 MiB total.

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