
jeffdonthemic avatar image
jeffdonthemic asked chanel Deactivated edited

Ordering Items in a Category Alphabetically?

I have a node app and can successfully associate items in a category. However, I am not able to order them alphabetically. Here's what my array of associations looks like, ordered by name (I know you don't use this key, it's just for visual support). Here's the code that calls the endpoint to create the associations.

When I run this script, the items are associated to the category correctly but in a different order each time I run the script. I can successfully order the items in the category by hand using the Clover web app so I suspect the functionality is there to order them. I just can't figure out from the docs how to do this. I assumed that ordering the association array would do the trick but no joy.

I used this code as a reference. Thanks for the help!!
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