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ancient5 asked

Pulling Order Data into a Local Cache

I am pulling orders into a local cache. I want to pull by a field so that I am not duplicating any fields. More specifically, I am pulling data into my local cache at the level of line items (we need it broken out by line item and then also the taxAmount listed in elements.payments.taxAmount as another, separate, line item).

I see numerous date/time stamps by which to pull. I would think I could pull at the level of $.elements.createdTime (at the order level) but I noticed that there is also $.elements.modifiedTime. Why would an order be modified? Is this a trivial modification or something that would actually change the amount of the order?

I don't really want to have to sync the Clover data with a local cache, unless its absolutely necessary, so what I'm really asking is: is this necessary? Or does it depend, and if so, what factors determine it being necessary or not?

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