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sanjayait16 asked

Can't tokenize card using Clover Android SDK

I am currently facing an issue while implementing card tokenization using the Android SDK, as outlined in the following document: Tokenize a card. According to the instructions in the document, I expected to successfully tokenize the card, but the result returned an "user canceled" output, even though I did not cancel the process.

Device: Clover Mini 3 Devkit

For your reference, I have attached a screenshot and a video of the test I performed, which demonstrates the issue I encountered.

Video Link:

Could you kindly help me understand why this might be happening? Additionally, I would appreciate any guidance on whether there is an alternative method for tokenizing the card.

Once I have successfully tokenized the card, I would also like to know how to proceed with starting the payment flow using the Android SDK. If possible, could we schedule a call to discuss this further and ensure that I am following the correct steps?
Clover Android SDKClover Mini
10 |2000

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