
jcy avatar image
jcy asked mm-int sent

Use 3-D Secure for e-commerce transactions


I hope this message finds you well.

Recently, I want to add 3DS authentication (North America) in the charge process for e-commerce.

I referred to Clover's documentation.

Based on the Clover API response, I can choose CLOVER or NON_CLOVER as the source.

    "message": "400 Bad Request",
    "error": {
        "type": "invalid_request_error",
        "code": "invalid_request",
        "message": "Missing or invalid source (CLOVER / NON_CLOVER) for 3DSecure"

As I understand:

  • CLOVER: Clover provides an integrated solution to verify 3DS with various issuing banks.
  • NON_CLOVER: Developers need to connect to third-party 3DS APIs, such as Fiserv, or directly integrate with 3DS APIs from Visa or Mastercard.

Is there any misunderstanding in my understanding?

However, when I send the following request with "source": "CLOVER":

    "amount": 1000,
    "currency": "usd",
    "ecomind": "ecom",
    "source": "clv_1TSAAAA7hY1y6NUb1LwQTgfB",
    "tax_amount": 100,
    "tip_amount": 100,
    "threeds": {
        "source": "CLOVER"

The Clover API returns the following error:

    "message": "400 Bad Request",
    "error": {
        "type": "invalid_request_error",
        "code": "invalid_request",
        "message": "Missing or invalid/incomplete browser_info for 3DSecure via source (CLOVER)"

It seems something is missing, but the documentation does not provide further explanation. Does this mean Clover does not actually support 3DS authentication?

Additionally, when I use "source": "NON_CLOVER":

    "amount": 1000,
    "currency": "usd",
    "ecomind": "ecom",
    "source": "clv_1TAAAA7PPfD3uFrKuXrXUBGS",
    // "external_reference_id": "abcedf123456",
    "tax_amount": 100,
    "tip_amount": 100,
    "threeds": {
        "source": "NON_CLOVER",
        "authentication_result": {
            "authentication_status": "SUCCESS",
            "transaction_id": "CAACCVVUlwCXUyhQNlSXAAAAAAA",
            "cryptogram": "11B5 2345 49C3 C4DD 931A 27BD 8CA3 CD82",
            "threeds_version": "2"

The transaction completes successfully.

But how does Clover validate the threeds data I provide?

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