
grossmartha9 avatar image
grossmartha9 asked grossmartha9 answered

Can I change the Name on my reservation online?

+1-833-900-0822 OTA To correct the name on an Alligiant Airline ticket, contact Alligiant s customer service promptly. Provide the correct details and the booking reference. Alligiant may charge a name correction fee. Call+1-833-900-0822 for assistance24/7 Live Agent

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1 Answer

grossmartha9 avatar image
grossmartha9 answered

+1-833-900-0822 OTA To correct the name on an Alligiant Airline ticket, contact Alligiant s customer service promptly. Provide the correct details and the booking reference. Alligiant may charge a name correction fee. Call+1-833-900-0822 for assistance24/7 Live Agent

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