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How can I tell whether a Partial Auth has occurred?

How can I tell whether a Partial Auth has occurred?
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1 Answer

clover-faq avatar image
clover-faq answered clover-faq edited
To find out whether a partial authorization has occurred, compare the payment response amount with the payment request amount. If they differ, the customer was only able to pay a portion of the sale. If this is the case, you'll need to complete the sale, then issue a second sale for the remaining amount.

//Create a Sale with a specific amount
var pendingSale = new SaleRequest();
pendingSale.ExternalId = ExternalIDUtil.GenerateRandomString(13);
pendingSale.Amount = 100000;
totalAmount = pendingSale.Amount;
pendingSale.AutoAcceptSignature = true;
pendingSale.DisableDuplicateChecking = true;
//In your DefaultCloverConnectorListener implementation
public override void OnSaleResponse(SaleResponse response)
   totalAmount -= response.Payment.amount;
   if (totalAmount != 0)
      Console.WriteLine("Partial auth was taken.");
      //Handle however you find suitable
A partial auth also occurs when the CONFIRM_PARTIAL_AUTH deviceEvent starts.

ExampleCloverConnectorListener.prototype.onDeviceActivityStart = function(deviceEvent) {
  if (deviceEvent.eventState === clover.remotepay.DeviceEventState.CONFIRM_PARTIAL_AUTH) {
    // then a partial auth occured
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