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sbp1988 asked sam Deactivated answered

Loyalty/Payment App

Hi All,

We're looking to integrate our Loyalty/Payment app to Clover's POS solution.

The way this works with other ePOS providers is:

1) Items are added to the basket on the POS
2) A tender (payment) button called 'Yoyo' is selected on the POS
3) A barcode scanner connected to the POS, scans a customer's Yoyo app (which contains a dynamic QR code)
4) The POS sends the scanned QR code and basket information to Yoyo's API
5) Yoyo's API sends back a response to the POS
6) The POS will either close the basket, partially pay for the basket or throw an error

Is the above possible with Clover's POS?
10 |2000

Up to 2 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 512.0 KiB each and 1.0 MiB total.

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