
Raymond avatar image
Raymond suggested exodustrouble commented

End of Day Report - Ability to Select Multiple Devices in One Report

I have a Clover Merchant that offers pay at the counter and has a full service bar. They have a total of 4 Clover devices, Station Duo 2 and Flex 3 for the front counter and a Station Solo and Flex 3 for the bar.

The issue I'm trying to resolve is when the Bar accepts a payment on the Station Solo and Flex 3, server has to pull an end of day report from both the Solo and Flex to determine the amount of tip collected.

My idea is to allow the server the ability to pull an end of day report from the Solo and add an option for servers to select 'this device' and then select a second device. The report would show the sales and tips for both devices selected.

An alternative idea is assign the Station Solo as the master, and user can select a second device and any sales or tips collected on the second device would be reflected on the Solo's end of day report.

Clover FlexClover Station 2018
10 |2000

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exodustrouble avatar image
exodustrouble commented

RobTop Games' well-known rhythm-based platformer Geometry Dash has a free, streamlined version called Geometry Dash Lite.

10 |2000

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