
jasondean avatar image
jasondean suggested pentagess commented

Star Micronics Ticket Buzzer

We have a Star Micronics TSP743II with BU01-24-A attached that was used with our old POS (Windows-based). Every prep ticket sounded the buzzer which was programmed through the shared printer in Windows.

Our staff appreciated the notification both line cooks and register staff as they both had confirmation a ticket was printed. No buzzer? Go back and make sure the printer didn't go offline or run out of paper.

We switched to Clover two weeks ago and we were very disappointed that the buzzer isn't an option in Clover. (Additionally, resetting the printer results in smaller print until we send any job from a Windows device. Once we send any test page, the Clover jobs then print "normally".)

Is there any way for Clover to program the prep printers to trigger the peripheral port and sound the buzzer? Not being a programmer I wouldn't know if it's possible from an Android device but it looks like it's a few commands.

External device

ESC BEL Set pulse width for external device drive Drive

BEL External device 1 drive instruction

FS External device 1 drive instruction

SUB External device 2 drive instruction

EM External device 2 drive instruction

ESC GS BEL Ring buzzer

ESC GS EM DC1 External buzzer drive pulse condition settings

ESC GS EM DC2 External buzzer drive execution

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jasondean avatar image
jasondean commented

Adding some additional notes...

Star Micronics offers an app called "Star PassPRNT" :

The description says bluetooth but I successfully used the app to trigger the buzzer on a networked device. Could this app be installed on a Clover device to act as the relay so that the buzzer could be triggered?

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