
ethanyoo avatar image
ethanyoo suggested randyhill commented

Delete item from order before & after print

The system is highly susceptible to theft without proper communication between the servers, kitchen, and back office. Every item delete should have a trace of some kind.

In the scenario where a server makes a mistake or a customer changes their mind at the table, and the order hasn’t been fired to the kitchen, the delete is harmless.

In the scenario where the server sends it to the kitchen, claims it should be deleted as if it was a mistake, but no one ever tells the kitchen, the business is exposed to theft or loss.

The delete button should also trace back to reporting, much like void and refund reports.

Currently, you can restrict “Delete item from order“, but then if the server genuinely makes a mistake at the table they will need manager pin to delete before firing.

You can also restrict “Edit an item after print with override”, but then you lose the functionality to add modifiers, increase quantity of the item, or add notes.

Ideally, a functionality where you can restrict “Delete item from order after print” would be best.

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welljak avatar image
welljak commented
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randyhill avatar image
randyhill commented

Hello Clover Community,

It is crucial to maintain robust communication between servers, the kitchen, and the back office to prevent potential misuse when deleting items from orders. A reliable trace for every deletion is essential to safeguard against theft or loss. For example, deleting an item before it's sent to the kitchen is generally harmless if a mistake occurs or a customer changes their mind. However, deleting an item after it has been sent to the kitchen without proper communication can lead to unaccounted losses. To streamline operations and minimize risks, we recommend exploring advanced management tools like Netflix Modded APK, which can enhance transparency and accountability in your business.


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