
seanmblum avatar image
seanmblum suggested alitaangelflame sent

Issue happening NOW with clover tips

The system has automatically changed multiple merchants of mine tip location from “printed receipts” to “table screen” without merchant interaction. This has created an issue with orders closing without tips being able to be added. You need to push a change that flips all merchants to “on printed receipts” before the issue gets larger! I understand this area is not for this. But your group has a gateway to the right people. Please help!!!

Clover Station
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dorthygregory avatar image
dorthygregory commented dorthygregory edited


I am not sure to answer this question but will try to resolve and get back to you soon. I think you have to contact Clover Support they will help you. MCDVOICE

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nihaw51833 avatar image
nihaw51833 commented

I'm looking for answers from experts, I'm not sure I can answer this but will try to work it out and get back to you soon.

Vampire Survivors

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bekean avatar image
bekean commented

Companies often use social media channels for customer support. Check Clover's official social media accounts for any announcements or updates regarding the issue. You may also use these platforms to reach out directly. subway surfers

10 |2000

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danielsyguides avatar image
danielsyguides commented

It appears there's a critical issue with Clover tips where the system autonomously switched tip locations for several merchants, causing problems with adding tips to orders. Urgently, a change is requested to revert all merchants to "on printed receipts" to prevent further complications. While I acknowledge this might not be the designated platform for such matters, your group's influence could reach the necessary individuals. Your prompt assistance is greatly appreciated in resolving this matter swiftly. hydrogen executor

10 |2000

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