
zeta avatar image
zeta suggested lisalm edited

Failed to print online order XXX placed at XX


I'm not a developer and more like a user of Clover Station 1.0. I keep having issues when receiving Clover Online Orders in my POS. Half the time it is received, and the other half fails to print and I receive an email titled: Failed to print online order NNA68AAAFTA placed at 09/19/2021 03:41:19 PM

I am trying to make this more reliable if possible.


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myidea avatar image
myidea commented

when installing the SP742 (kitchen/order printer), ensure CAT5e cables are installed and test the integrity of such cables function and operation. Do not use CAT6 or CAT7, unless the purpose for which other devises in place directed (linked) to the same network may cause inferference (ie:EMF signals and other electronics that may cause failure or a noisy environment) toward the successful operation of Clover and its associated devices. Ensure the reuter/modem is an updated version not more than 2 years old (and even then have merchant ISP test integrity and compatability of modem/reuter)

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donutamong avatar image
donutamong commented

Look up the Coupa PO and review the supplier's cXML invoicing configuration to remedy this mistake.

The From> and Sender> domain and identity must match the file and the Coupa happy wheels game configuration.

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emmaorabelle avatar image
emmaorabelle commented

Check your printer settings: Make sure that your printer is turned on, connected to the internet, and has enough paper and ink/toner. Also, verify that the printer is selected as the default printer in your Clover settings.

Verify the order status: Check the order status in your Clover dashboard to see if it's marked as "processed" or "fulfilled." If not, try manually printing the order from the dashboard.

Check your internet connection: Ensure that your internet connection is stable and strong enough to handle incoming online orders. You can check your internet speed using an online speed test tool. exhibit of sorrows

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kentty avatar image
kentty commented

emoji are pictures or icons that stand for different thoughts, feelings, things, or ideas. In digital conversation, they are used to show a variety of emotions and thoughts. Emojis are small, bright pictures that are often used in message apps, social media sites, texts, and other online ways of talking to each other.

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kledo5 avatar image
kledo5 commented

Drift Hunters. Show all your skills extreme driving and drifting burn rubber on the race track.

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kramilka avatar image
kramilka commented

Here are a few options that came to my mind:

  • Check Network Connection: Ensure that your Clover Station and printer have a stable and strong network connection. Weak or intermittent connectivity can cause print failures.

  • Restart Devices: Sometimes, simply restarting your Clover Station and printer can resolve temporary issues.

  • Update Software: Make sure that your Clover Station is running the latest software version. Updates often include fixes for known issues but you never know with hard aspects, such as Chiron opposite Chiron synastry.

  • Printer Settings: Verify that your printer is set as the default printer and that it's configured correctly for online orders. You may also want to check the paper and ink levels, as these can sometimes cause print failures.

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