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(877)-200-7013 How to fix QuickBooks unrecoverable error on startup


Encountering a QuickBooks Unrecoverable Error on startup can be frustrating, but don’t worry! Follow these steps to resolve the issue. For instant help, call 877-200-7013.

Step 1: Open QuickBooks in Safe Mode

  1. Press Ctrl while double-clicking the QuickBooks icon.
  2. If QuickBooks opens, go to File > Utilities > Repair File.
  3. If it doesn’t, move to the next step.

Step 2: Rename QBWUSER.INI File

  1. Navigate to C:\Users.
  2. Find QBWUSER.INI and rename it to QBWUSER.OLD.
  3. Restart QuickBooks. If the issue persists, call 877-200-7013 for expert help.

Step 3: Run QuickBooks Install Diagnostic Tool

  1. Download the QuickBooks Tool Hub from Intuit.
  2. Open it and run QuickBooks Install Diagnostic Tool.
  3. Restart your computer and check if QuickBooks opens.

If none of these steps work, contact QuickBooks Support at 877-200-7013 for immediate assistance. Our experts are available 24/7 to help you fix QuickBooks Unrecoverable Error on Startup quickly!

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