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{855-216-2925} How to Resolve Quickbooks Error PS038 ?


QuickBooks Error PS038 typically occurs when there is a problem with your payroll subscription or when your QuickBooks is unable to connect to the payroll server call at 855-216-2925 . This can prevent you from processing payroll, which can be frustrating. Here’s how to resolve QuickBooks Error PS038:

  1. Verify Payroll Subscription: First, check that your payroll subscription is active. If your subscription has expired or is not properly linked, it can trigger this error. You can verify the status by logging into your QuickBooks account.

  2. Update QuickBooks: Ensure that your QuickBooks software is up to date. Go to the "Help" menu and select "Update QuickBooks." Installing the latest updates can often fix issues like PS038.

  3. Check Internet Connection: Error PS038 may occur if there’s a poor or unstable internet connection. Make sure your connection is stable, and try again to download payroll updates.

  4. Re-enter Payroll Service Key: If the issue persists, you may need to re-enter your payroll service key. Go to the “Employees” menu, select “My Payroll Service,” and then click “Manage Payroll Service” to re-enter or verify the key.

If the issue isn’t resolved by these steps, contact QuickBooks support at 855-216-2925. Their support team can walk you through additional troubleshooting or escalate the issue if necessary

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