
efrancofinol avatar image
efrancofinol suggested

Printing Orders

I am a Clover user and I have a small issue with how orders are printed for the kitchen. We believe that orders should only be printed when the customer has paid for them. However, Clover currently offers only four options for printing orders:

  1. When I press "Pay"
  2. When I press "Pay" or "Save"
  3. When I press "Save"
  4. Manually printing the receipt

The problem is that I can only manually ensure that the order is printed for the kitchen after the customer has paid. With the other options, the customer's payment has not yet been verified. The issue arises when a customer pays with a credit card and requests their receipt. In this case, I need to print the receipt again to ensure the order is sent to the kitchen.

My question is: is there any way for the order to be automatically printed for the kitchen once payment has been received and confirmed? In other words, can this process be automated?

My proposal is to create an option that allows orders to be printed either when the payment is accepted or when the receipt is printed.

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