
rachel avatar image
rachel Deactivated posted Nicholas Ho commented

IMPORTANT Cloud Pay Display

Remote Pay CloudCloud Pay Display
10 |2000

Up to 2 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 512.0 KiB each and 1.0 MiB total.

Al avatar image Al commented ·

Is this update released yet? My latest Cloud Pay Display app is 1.0468. As of Dec 23, 2022, we don't get the approval code sometimes through the API call to Cloud Pay Display on older Clover devices. It works fine on the latest Clover Flex.

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Al avatar image Al Al commented ·

Is this new version released?

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Nicholas Ho avatar image Nicholas Ho ♦♦ Al commented ·

Yes, as stated in the post, this was released in version 150 (or 1.0-150) of Cloud Pay Display which was rolled out in November 21, 2017. Your version should be 468, our latest version of the app.

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